Notes on Johannes Lourisen Opdyck
Johannes Op Dyck, born 1651, died 1729. He accompanied his father upon his emigration to the new world, and subsequently was a planter at Dutch Kills, Long Island, and in Maidenhead and Hopewell, New Jersey, deriving therefrom a lucrative
He removed to New Jersey in 1697, becoming the owner of two hundred and fifty acres of land above the falls of the Delaware. In May or June of 1697 he moved his family in carts and wagons, and settled in Lawrence township, near Lawrenceville, and
July 12 purchased thirteen hundred acres, extending one and three-eights miles north and south and two miles east and west, including the present site of the borough of Pennington, New Jersey. While residing in Hopewell he, with others, founded
the Baptist church. SOURCE: Genealogical and Personal Memorial of Mercer County, New Jersey under the editorial supervision of Francis Bazley Lee, Page 721.
In the name of god amen. The twelfth day of february in the year of our Lord 1728-9 I Johan. opdike of Hopewell in ye County of Hunterdone in ye provence of west new Jersey Husbandman, being very sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and
memory, thanks be given unto god theirefore, Calling unto mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my Last will and testament: that is to say principly and first of all I give
and Recommend my Soul unto the hands of god that gave it, and for my body, I Recommend it to the Earth, to be buried in a Christian Like and desent manner, at the Discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the geniral Reserrection, I
shall Receive the same againe by the mighty power of god and as touching Such worldly Estate, wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me in this Life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following maner and form:
Imprimus I give and bequeathe to my well beloved son Louerence opdike twelve shillings; Item that william Critchfield shall have his bils and bonds delivered up without any mollistation.
Item I give to my grantson Cornelius Anderson all my weareing Cloths and one Irn Cittle one plater and four plates
Item I Likewise Constitute and make my well beLoved Sone and grantson Louerence opdike and Eliakim anderson my Executors of my Last will and testament and after paying all my debts that the above written Leagusies may bee fulfilled I also bequeate
that after all depts be paid that the Remainder Shall be Equilly divided amongst my Eight Children and now are Living and I do hereby utterly disalow and Revoke and disanull all and every other former testaments wills Legusies and Executors by me
in any wayes before this time named willed and bequeathed Ratifying & Confirming this and no other to bemy Last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seale the day and year above writen. Signed Sealed published
pronounced and declared by ye Said Johanes opdike as his Last will and testament in the preasents of us the Subscribers, vis - John. Anderson Johannes Opdyck. (L.S.) Francis Vannoey
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