Notes on Capt. William Stone
1705 - William Stone & Elizabeth Stone, two of the children of WILLIAM STONE, deceased, vs SARAH, executrix of said deceased. 6 Aug. 1706 - Deed of Philip Stone (& Sarah his wife) as heir to his father, WILLIAM STONE, deceased. 31 Jan. 1707 -
STONE, WILLIAM, Recorded 31 Jan 1707. Sons Philip, Joshua, son-in-law Robert Schofield, grandson
John Glasscock; wife SARAH STONE; daughter Elizabeth Stone; daughter MARY FANN. 10 June 1707 - Deed of gift from Francis Stone to Sarah and Katherine Key, daughters of his wife, Mary Stone, by her former husband, James Key. 02 July 1711 - Will,
STONE, SARAH (X) 02 July 1711-01 May 1717. Daughter Elizabeth Dawson; son William.
Several land purchase deeds are recorded in Essex County Court House in Tappahannock, Virginia for William Stone (where Old Rappahannock County records are kept.) Deed Book # 5, page 86, 87 purchased 200 acres on Totuskey Creek , ate purchased 720
acres, page 105, recorded 4/7/1680, purchased 250 acres, page 106 recored 4/7/1680.
William Stone's will is recored in Warsaw, Va. 1/31/1707-08 in Folio F. 114V.
Wills and Inventories 1699-1709: William Stone, Farn. Par. (Farnham Parish), will; 7 Nov 1704, 31 Jan 1707/08 sons Philip, Joshua; s-i-l (son-in-law) Robert Scolfield; grsons. GREGORY and JOHN GLASCOCK; wife Sarah; daus. Elizabeth, Mary Fann; ex:
wife; no wits (witnesses).
One reference gives his parents as Col. John Stone (1610-1695) and Mary Nelson. This theory is exciting (since that line can be traced fairly far back in England), but is as yet unconfirmed.