Notes on Capt. Anthony Savage
Justice Gloucester Co. sheriff and justice of Richmond Co.
1660: Anthony emigrated to Virginia; "added to the Commission"; Sheriff ; lived in Gloucester County, Virginia (or near present Port Conway - Sittingbourne Parish, Rapp Co); deeded land to Francis Thornton & wife Alice (Anthony's dau) 1666-73:
Capt of militia in Gloucester Co, Va.
1670: "bought 1000 acres of land on the north side of the Rappahannock River in the upper precincts of Sittenbourne Parish" (tract was called "Mongoheocala"); 167?: "..I John Prosser of the Parrish of Sittingbourne in the County of Rappa in and
for the valluable consideration of the vallue of 50 lbs Sterl in goods as by specialty doth appeare and sevrll good causes & consideracons me the reunto moveing have bargained and sold and doe by these pntes bargaine sell & exchange from me my
heirs forever unto Mr Antho Savadge his heirs forever 1000 acres of land lying and being in the Freshes of Rappa River and upon the North side being pte of a Devidt of land of 5000 acres of land called by the Name of Nanzem and formerly granted to
me the sd Jno Proseer Y Mr Tho Chetwood but this part where this 1000 acres now lyeth is comonly knowne by the Indian name of Mangecomupow and Begining at a mrkded wt Oake standing by or nigh the River side wch divideth the sd land & 1000 acres
formerly sold to Symon Miller and runing along the sd Symon Millers to the extent thereof or head lyne and alonge the head line for Breadth from then to ye River and soe alonge the Riverside according to the sevril courses of the sd River to the
first menconed tree the wch land being Legally surveyed to conteyne the full and Just quantity of 1000 acres. Now know yee that I Jno Prosser for the consideracon aforesd doe grant bargaine and sell from me my heires forever wth all the rights and
priviledges thereunto belonging he or they pay such rents or services as by Soccage tenure injoyned to such as by Lawfull authority are appoynted thereunto wtn further warranty that the sd Snth Savidge shall or may from time to tije and at all
times peaceably enjoy the sd 1000 acres of land. Likewise I doe further engage to ... (Old Rapp Do Deed Bk 1668-72 p118)
1678: deeded 300 ac of this tract to son-in-law Francis Thornton & dau Alice with reversion to grdau Margaret Thornton; Margaret married Wm Strother Jr and, as a widow in 1727, deeded the land to her son Wm Strother III (Jamestown to Charles Town,
desc of Robt Beheathland ..; p121)
1695: Anthony died in Gloucester Co, Va; will pr 6/5 at Richmond Co Court (Wm Underwood & Francis Thornton were Justices) by son-in-law Francis Thornton whose wife was Alice Savage; last Will & Testament of Mr Anthony Savage being presented to
this Court by his Executor Mr Francis Thornton for Proof the said Will was Proved by the Oaths of Thomas Parker & Probate thereof granted to the said Executor (Richmond Order Bk 2 p55)
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