Notes on Bezaleel Tyler Jr.

On July 22nd, 1779, a militia marched to the Delawaye for the protection of the settlements. and was attacked by a body of one hundred and forty Indians, nearly oppisite of the mouth of the Lackawaxen River. 40 or 50 militia were captured or killed among them were Moses Thomas, father of Judge Thomas, and Captain Bazaleel Tyler. On page 129, it stated Captain Bezaleel Tyler fell.

per Arhtur Meyers: they had 22 children of whom 14 lived to grow up -8 son & 6 daughters. Capt. Tyler was a man whom the Tories and Indians feared greatly. I have heard my mothers oldest sister say that when the Indians would come to his house and acted badly, he would take them up and throw them over the door; they had in those day double doors, the upper half would be open and the lower one shut. 270
