To all Christian people to whom these shall come. greeting in our Lordd Everlasting, know yee that I, Frances Doughty, for and in consideration of the good will, affeccion and love that I beare unto my well Beloved wife Anne Doughty, and in considerion that I the sd Francis am shortly intended, God willing, to transport myself out of the Colony of Virginia into some other country and clymate that may prove more favorable to my aged, inferm and decayed body than the sd Country of Virginia wherein I now reside, doste and for that my wife the sd Anne is unwilling to depart the sd country, shee finding the same best agreeing with her health. Besides her loathness and unwillingness to bid farewell to her more deare and beloved children, and to her beloved kindred and relacons, all or least most of them residing in the Colony of Virginia and in the neighboring provinces of Maryl'd, as also for divine good causes and consideration, at this pr'sent especially moving, I have givn granted and confirmed by this present doe fully give, grant, and confirme unto Richard Boughton of Charles county in the province of May'ld and his ass's all that piecess or qantity of land cont: two hundred acres, lying upon Rappa. River in the sd colony of Virginia, and adjoining to the land of capt. Andrew FLeming, late dec'd, and butted and bounded according to a certificate of survey made trerreat by Co. Catlett, upon Record, together w'th all houses, edifices, buildings and hereditam'ts and appurt. w't'soever, to the sd land and premises, or to any p't or p'cell thereof belonging or in any wise appurtenying.
I, the said Francis, have hereunto set my hand and seal this 13th day of March, 1668-9.
"I, Ann Doughty, wife of Mr. Francis Doughty, Sen., do confess adn adknowledge that this deed of trust for my use and benefit was procured by my motion and sealed and delivered by my free and voluntary consent, and I do gratefully accept it from my said husband in lieu of any and all dowers, portions debts and demands which I, the sd. Ann may have or claim of or from my sd. husband, my heirs, exors. admrs, or assignees, and do accordingly rest satisfied, and desire that this my acknowledgement be set on record as my satisfaction for all rights and claims by virtue of marriage excepting a deed of gift of certain goods expressed in a list dated Mar. 18, 1668/9 and a penal bond of 20 lb yearly for the payment of 6 lb yearly." signed Ann doughty Mar 18, 1668/9