Will of John O'Banon, 18 Nov 1773
The Library of Virginia,
800 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219, Microfilm
Reel No. 31, Fauquier County, Will Book 1, 1759 - 1783, pp. 237 - 239.
In the Name of God Amen the eighteenth day of November Anno Domini One
thousand seven hundred and seventy three I John
Obanon Senr. of the County of Fauquier planter being sick and weak
in body but of sound & perfect memory and mind and calling
to mind the uncertaintly of the Transitory life do by these presents
make & Ordain this my last will and Testament Imprimus.
I give my soul into the hands of almighty God who gave it and my body
To Earth to be buried in a decent and Christian manner at the
descrition of my Execurtors and as touching what eartly Estate
it hath pleased God to help me with I despose of in the following
manner & form Vide.
- Item my will and desire is that my beloved wife Sarah have the use
& benefit of the plantation whereon I now
live with the stock of all kinds (Except my riding horse) my further will
& desire is that my said wife have the use of all my household
furniture with the Plantation utensils for & during her natural life.
- Item, I give and bequeath to my loving son William the Plantation
and lands on the East side of the Pignutt Ridge it being the same whereon
he formerly lived to him & his heirs for ever also one
negroe woman named Jean and all her children born since she has been in his posssession
in lieu of a legacy left him by his
Grand Father Bryant Obanon the said Lands containing One hundred & Eighty
nine acres be the same more or less.
- Item I give
and bequeath to my loving son John one negroe boy named Tom to him &
his heirs forever.
- Item I give and bequeath to my loving
son James a good suit of Cloaths to be purchased out of my Crop.
- Item I give and bequeath to my loving son Thomas one suit of
cloaths to be also purchased as them of James's.
- Item I give and bequeath to my loving son Samuel the following tract of Land.
Vize. Beginning at Nelsons third corner and (?unding) on the lines of the
said Nelson the Rev. Wn. Scott & Gideon line one
hundred and fifty yards above (? ford) on Broad Run then a straight line
to the Begining containing one hundred & thirty Acres more
or less to him and his heirs forever. I also give and bequeath to said
son Samuel one negroe girl called Hannah to and his heirs
forever with her Increase.
- Item I give and bequeath to my loving son Andrew in lieu of all
legacies bequeathed him by his Grand
Father Bryant Obanon One negroe man named Frank to him & his heirs forever.
- Item I give and bequeath to my loving son Joseph
in lieu of Fifty pounds part of a legacy left him by his Grand Father
Bryant Obanon one negroe boy named Moses to him and his
heirs forever.
- Item I give and bequeath to my loving son George in full of all
legacies left him by his Grand Father Bryan Obanon
one negroe man named James to him and his heirs forever.
- Item I give and bequeath to my loving son Bryant my Riding hores
Saddle and Bridle.
- Item I give & bequeath to my loving son Benjamin a new saddle and bridle.
- Item I give and bequeath to my
loving daughter Sarah Foley a negro boy named Will now in her Possession
to her and her heirs forever.
- Item I give and bequeath
to my loving daughter Caty Nelson one negroe girl named Jude now in her
Possession to her and her heirs forever.
- Item I give and
bequeath to my son Bryant in lieu of his dividend of his Grand Fathers
Estate after the death of his mother the plantation whereon I
now live to contain One hundred Acres to him & his heirs forever.
- Item I give and bequeath to my said son Benjamin in lieu of his
dividend of his Grand Fathers Estate the remainder of all my lands not
yet bequeathed but not be possessed therewith til after the
death of hisn Mother and them to him & his heirs forever.
- Item my will and desire is that after the death of my said Wife all my
negroes not being named in this will together with the live stock
household furniture & plantation utensils be equally divided
between by then surviving sons and my further will & desire
is that my wife during her natural life have the use & benefit of the
negroes which are not otherwise bequeathed by this will
and my furthor will & desire is that if any of my sons refuse to Make the
Segaues or legacy by this will devised them in lieu of their dividend
of their Grand Fathers Estate that then in such Case such son
or sons shall only receive one shilling sterling instead of the legacies
divided them by the will and the legacies so forfeited by
equally divided between such of them who abide by the legacies
left them by this will.
& I do appoint and Constitute my loving son
William, Samuel & John Executors of this my last Will & Testament revoking annulling & disallowing all and every former will and
wills Testament and Testaments ratifying and confirming this my only last will and Testament in full confirmation whereof I have here
unto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
John Obanon L.S.
Pronounced Signed and Sealed
in presence of
Thomas Elliott, Benjamin Elliott, John Moffett
At a Court held for Fauquier County the 28th day of March 1774 This will was proved by the Oaths of Thomas Elliott, Benjamin
Elliott and John Moffett Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of William Obanon who made Oaths and
Executed and acknowledged bond as the Law directs certificate is Granted him for Obtaining a Probate thereof indue form.
Peter H. Brooke Cl.
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