Notes on William Strother III

William Strother III owned the property that his widow sold to Augustine Washington, father of George Washington, now called 'Ferry Farm'. This is all in the Strother book, Vol. I . William Strother was b. about I700. After the destruction of the old mansion house of his grandfather, the first William Strother, he sold his estate near Port Conway, and purchased on the river opposite Fredericksburg in 1727. His daughters were all born there at this farm which was sold to Capt. Augustine Washington, father of George, in 1738. This tract was sold, per the directions of his will, in 1738 by John Grant,. Gent, and Margaret , his then wife, widow and executrix of William Strother, Gent, decd, to Capt. Augustine Washington. Thus when George Washington was 6 years of age, he came to live there. There his father died on 12 Apr 1743; his mother lived there until 1748 when she moved to "Little Falls" and later to Fredericksburg to be near her only daughter, Mrs. Lewis, who lived at "Kenmore." The deed was dated 2 Nov 1738 and recorded in King George Co, VA, and conveyed 280 acres of land in Stafford Co, VA. On May 26, I727, William received a grant for 266 acres in King George Co.; and Sept. I2, I731, as "Captain" William Strother, 372 acres in Prince William Co. He was sheriff and justice of King George Co., and vestryman of the parish. He married Margaret Watts. William died in 1732, and in his will directs sale of his lands in King George and Prince William Cos., and names his wife as exrx (Owen, William Strother of VA, 1898, p.8, with corrections by compiler). 64, 171
